Magnetic resonance imaging
Pro Magnet Prešov
Magnetic resonance Pro Magnet – Prešov workplace is one of three modern magnetic resonance workplaces in Eastern Slovakia belonging to the company Pro Diagnostic Group, a.s. In Prešov we work with a high-performance, high-quality PHILIPS Ingenia 3.0T Omega HP, which allows fast, accurate and non-invasive examinations. The workplace is located directly in the premises of the Prešov University Hospital with polyclinic.
Pro Magnet magnetic resonance workplace is equipped with PHILIPS Ingenia 3.0T Omega HP machine which allows to perform all standard MR examinations of the head and neck, the whole spine, central nervous system, internal organs, the whole musculoskeletal and vascular system
We are one of the few MRI centres that can provide general anaesthesia for examinations of all ages. We use anesthesia machines, a ventilator, and a complete monitoring system certified for use in the MRI environment
examinations are fully covered by all health insurance companies
possibility of examination also for self-payers on the basis of standard procedure and prices according to the price listpatient appointment for the examination also via an online application form on the website
PHILIPS Ingenia technology automates routine processes, thus significantly speeding up and simplifying them
thanks to the use of dStream digital technology, which includes DirectDigital, i.e. radiofrequency wave reception technology, we are able to acquire the MR signal directly in the radiofrequency coil
the anatomically shaped coils optimally follow the surface of the body and thus achieve high image and image quality.
The workplace is connected to the Teleradiology Communication Centre (T3C), through which it is possible for collaborating medical institutions and outpatient clinics to send images or findings electronically, free of charge and in a secure manner (outpatient physicians who are not part of the T3C will be able to access the image documentation via the TomoCon Lite solution)
All of us who work here guarantee expertise, professionalism and respect for patients. Despite the cutting-edge technology and superior human expertise, we wish you don’t have to measure your way to the hospital and stay healthy.

MUDr. Monika Daňová, PhD.
Head Doctor
The PHILIPS Ingenia 3.0T Omega HP MR device provides many special applications that, together with the many years of experience of our staff, enable extensive clinical diagnostics.
- standard examinations of the central nervous system in adults and children
- Diffusion-weighted imaging ( DWI ) and isotropic 3D brain imaging in T2 and T1 weighted measurements for detailed assessment of morphology, for the possibility of preoperative neuronavigation
- advanced MRI of the brain: perfusion techniques ( T2*, T1 and ASL ), volumetric, spectroscopic and tractographic techniques
- functional MR imaging of the brain ( fMRI ) using the BOLD technique for non-invasive detection of neuronal activity
- imaging of the spinal canal with the possibility of suppressing metallic artefacts in the spinal canal ( MARS sequence )
Musculoskeletal system
- standard soft tissue and skeletal imaging
Special dedicated articular coils ( knee, shoulder ) with digital instrument technology allow imaging of cartilage, tendon, ligament and bone marrow lesions with unique resolution. For more detailed cartilage imaging, a water signal suppression sequence – 3D WATS sequence.
Vascular system
Non-invasive ( non-contrast ) and contrast-enhanced examination of the vascular system of the brain, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis and peripheral areas of the body
Abdomen and pelvis
- differentiation of focal and diffuse lesions of all organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneum: liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands
- examination of the small and large intestine: MR enterography, MR rectum, MR fistulography in the small pelvis
examination of the pelvic organs: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, prostate ( multiparametric imaging of the prostate – DCE, DWI, MRS ) and seminal vesicles - diagnosis of endometriosis
- MRCP – magnetic resonance imaging of the gallbladder and bile ducts
- MRU – magnetic resonance urography for imaging of the renal excretory system, ureters and bladder imaging
- MR examination of the neck and chest – mediastinum (excluding the heart ) and chest wall
Pracovisko uplatňuje systém manažérstva kvality EN ISO 9001:2015 v poskytovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti v odbore rádiológia so zameraním na magnetickú rezonanciu
Team PRO MAGNET Prešov
The workplace equipped with modern technology has been in operation since 2008. Many years of experience are reflected daily in the professional approach of the entire staff. Examinations and the entire course from the patient's admission to his diagnosis is provided by a team led by MUDr. Monika Daňová, PhD.
MUDr. Monika Daňová, PhD.
MUDr. Ľubomír Guľa
MUDr. Róbert Repeľ
MUDr. Peter Dragula, MPH
MUDr. Ján Varga
Bc. Jozef Záleha
Vojtech Horňák
Bc. Katarína Ivanková
Bc. Katarína Šinglárová
Mgr. Andrea Tomaščinová
Bc. Zuzana Krasová
Iveta Mydlarčíková
Patient appointment
The patient will be contacted to arrange an appointment
Documents for download
Download questionnaires, application forms and price lists.
For referring physicians, we also offer convenient and free access to their patients’ findings, including the ability to view key images marked by the describing physician during diagnosis or download the complete study. More at eradiologia.sk.
For patients
Pre-examination questionnaire
For doctors
Application forms
Pro Magnet s.r.o.
Magnetic resonance workplace Prešov
Hollého 14
(premises of the University Hospital with Clinic Prešov, Surgical monoblock)
080 01 Prešov
Phone: +421 51 756 2310
E-mail: mrpresov@mrpresov.sk
If you can't reach us right away, please leave a message or send us an email.
Operating hours
Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 22:00
Saturday: by ordered patients
(other examinations as ordered)
Issuance of results
The results and images are also available to you online, at www.eradiologia.sk - the patient area.
Where can you find us?
Our workplace is located in the premises of the University Hospital
with polyclinic in Prešov - Surgical monoblock
How do you get to us?
At the first intersection
turn left!