Magnetic resonance imaging
MR Levice
MR Levice is one of the nine magnetic resonance workplaces in Slovakia belonging to Pro Diagnostic Group, a.s. and is also a partner magnetic resonance workplace – Medicína Nové Zámky. In Levice we work with Siemens MAGNETOM Sola 1,5T, which allows high quality of imaging diagnostics and comfort for the examined patient.
Dear visitors of the MRI website,
on behalf of myself and my colleagues at our Levice site, I welcome you to the MRI website. We believe that this form of presentation of the workplace and indications for MRI examination will be understandable not only to health professionals, but also to the general public. We have tried to prepare information for everyone so that MRI can be correctly indicated by doctors and so that patients can know which health problems can be quickly and accurately informed about their health condition by MRI.
MR Levice is located directly in the premises of the Levice hospital with polyclinic. The workplace allows examination of both adult and paediatric patients. All examinations are fully reimbursed by health insurance companies; self-pay examinations are also available. The workplace is connected to the Teleradiology Communication Centre, through which it is possible to send images or findings electronically to cooperating medical institutions and outpatient clinics.
Our team of physicians and medical professionals with many years of experience in radiology provide patients and referring physicians with a high level of expertise and care. Despite our cutting-edge technology and superior human expertise, we wish you don’t have to measure your way to the hospital and stay healthy.

MUDr. Mária Hladká
Head Doctor
The Siemens MAGNETOM Sola 1.5T MR device provides many special applications that, together with the many years of experience of our staff, enable extensive clinical diagnostics.
- Brain scans including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), navigational preoperative imaging, 3D reconstructions
specialised examination for the diagnosis of epilepsy with protocols aimed at detecting congenital lesions, lesion changes and vascular anomalies typically associated with epilepsy - tumour staging for suspected brain metastases or brain envelope metastases with highly sensitive 3D thin-layer reconstructions
- specialized protocols for detection of pituitary tumors, including microadenomas of small size, detection of prolactinomas at elevated prolactin levels
examination of the intracranial venous system
examination of the internal auditory canals, detection of collision between vascular structures and cranial nerves
imaging of the spinal canal in its entirety by performing a multisequential multi-position examination
Musculoskeletal system
special dedicated coils for certain parts of the body allow imaging of cartilage, tendon, ligament and bone marrow lesions with excellent resolution
examination of the Achilles tendon
diagnosis of stress fractures in some localisations
Vascular system
non-invasive examination of intracranial arteries without the use of contrast medium with the possibility of assessing their anomalies, stenoses, detection of aneurysms
examination of the intracranial venous system without the use of contrast medium or post-contrast
examination of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic vessels using a non-iodine contrast agent
Abdomen and pelvis
focal and diffuse liver lesions and their closer differentiation
focal changes of the pancreas
MRCP with the possibility of 3D reconstruction with assessment of bile ducts and pancreatic ducts
MR enterography, follow-up of patients with the diagnosis of Crohn’s morbus
MR fistulography in the pelvis
MR examination of the prostate with the possibility of DWI
MR urography, differential diagnosis of some focal renal lesions
MR examination of the adrenal glands
diagnosis of uterine and ovarian diseases, both tumor and non-tumor, diagnosis of endometriosis
staging of tumour diseases, monitoring the success of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, evaluation according to RECIST criteria.
The department applies the EN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system in the provision of health care in the field of radiology with a focus on magnetic resonance imaging
Team MR Levice
The workplace in Levice is one of nine MRI facilities belonging to the Pro Diagnostic Group, a.s. It is equipped with modern technology and was opened in June 2014. The long experience of the staff in the field of radiology is reflected daily in the professional approach of the entire staff. Examinations and the entire course from the patient's admission to his diagnosis is provided by a team led by MUDr. Maria Hladka.
MUDr. Mária Hladká
Bc. Jaroslav Kozlík
Bc. Martin Klimo
Mária Švaralová
Slávka Prišťáková
Patient appointment
After the order is placed, the patient will be sent an SMS with the date of the examination. In case the patient is uncomfortable with the appointment and wants to change it, he/she can contact us on 036/3211 351.
Documents for download
Download questionnaires, application forms and price lists.
For referring physicians, we also offer convenient and free access to their patients’ findings, including the ability to view key images marked by the describing physician during diagnosis or download the complete study. More at eradiologia.sk.
For patients
Pre-examination questionnaire
MR Levice
Magnetic resonance imaging
Levice Hospital Building
SNP 19
934 01 Levice
Phone: +421 36 3211 351
+421 36 6379 727
E-mail: MRLevice@medicinanz.sk
If you can't reach us right away, please leave a message or send us an email.
Operating hours
Monday - Friday:
6:00 - 18:00
Saturday - Sunday:
by appointment
Issuance of results
The results and images are also available to you online, at www.eradiologia.sk - the patient area.
Where can you find us?
Our workplace is located in the building of
Hospital Levice.
How do you get to us?
Before your visit, we also offer you a
virtual opportunity to visit our workplace.